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Farewell... i'll miss u....MyBlogLog
MyBlogLog will be the first widget that I installed when create a new blog. It also the first widget that display visitor picture on the widget. So you will know who visit your blog. Almost all my blog resgiter with MyBlogLog. it a beutiful widget to boost my blog future....
For anyone who has been using the MyBlogLog service from Yahoo!, you will surely get a message, in your mail box on the discontinue service of MyBlogLog starting May 24, 2011. ...Another featured that will no longer available is Yahoo! Local Featured Listings.
I love MyBlogLog because apart from the widget, you can also check the statistic of your visitor. The display is simple and easy to understand. One of the best known platforms of blogger community for efficient blog-tracking and social networking.
The exact reasons for pulling off this service are unknown but this seems to be a well thought of move from Yahoo! to recommend and redirect its MyBlogLog users to the uprising and new Yahoo! Pulse.
Yahoo! has suggested some steps to ensure that you save your account information and contacts that are important to you. Though somewhat laborious, following these steps becomes a must if you wanted to save your valuable info and stay in touch with your MyBlogLog contacts. Check out Yahoo! Help on How to Save Information from Your account?
Its really hard to see this great service go. I have been MyBlogLog member since Jun 2007. So long old friend ; (. Now more and more blogger turn to Facebook and twitter as their source of traffic and find bigger communities. What can I say, even my wife and son have Facebook account now.
I'll Miss U 4 Ever ...MyBlogLog..........Why have bread when you can have a salmon
For anyone who has been using the MyBlogLog service from Yahoo!, you will surely get a message, in your mail box on the discontinue service of MyBlogLog starting May 24, 2011. ...Another featured that will no longer available is Yahoo! Local Featured Listings.
I love MyBlogLog because apart from the widget, you can also check the statistic of your visitor. The display is simple and easy to understand. One of the best known platforms of blogger community for efficient blog-tracking and social networking.
The exact reasons for pulling off this service are unknown but this seems to be a well thought of move from Yahoo! to recommend and redirect its MyBlogLog users to the uprising and new Yahoo! Pulse.
Yahoo! has suggested some steps to ensure that you save your account information and contacts that are important to you. Though somewhat laborious, following these steps becomes a must if you wanted to save your valuable info and stay in touch with your MyBlogLog contacts. Check out Yahoo! Help on How to Save Information from Your account?
Its really hard to see this great service go. I have been MyBlogLog member since Jun 2007. So long old friend ; (. Now more and more blogger turn to Facebook and twitter as their source of traffic and find bigger communities. What can I say, even my wife and son have Facebook account now.
I'll Miss U 4 Ever ...MyBlogLog..........Why have bread when you can have a salmon
45 days to monetize your network and get your money
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45 days to monetize your network. Its easy...and free .... More friends your refer, the more cash money you get....
During these first 45 days, you earn TOP DOLLAR as follows:
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How to spend your credits
1 - Currency trading : Open a currency trading account at FXPRIMUS and use your credits to make some real money. Convert up to $10,000 USD credits into real funds in a FXPRIMUS currency trading account simply by matching the amount.
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During these first 45 days, you earn TOP DOLLAR as follows:
* Earn $50 USD in credits for completing your own registration
* Earn another $50 USD for updating your profile
* Earn $25 USD in credits for referring friends who register on the site
* Earn $10 USD for anyone your referred friends refer and who register all the way down to an unlimited number of levels. This is EXPLOSIVE!
All the money you earn is accumulated in your GetinFree Credit Bank. You're allowed to accumulate a maximum of $100,000 USD in credit valu
How to spend your credits
1 - Currency trading : Open a currency trading account at FXPRIMUS and use your credits to make some real money. Convert up to $10,000 USD credits into real funds in a FXPRIMUS currency trading account simply by matching the amount.
For example, say you want to convert $1,000 USD worth of credits.
Just match that credit amount by loading $1,000 USD into your trading account and you'll get a total of $2,000 USD to trade with.
2- Reverse auctions : Starting 15 October, you'll be able to use your credits in exciting reverse auctions. Just use your credits to match your purchased bids dollar for dollar and you'll be on your way to easily winning bids for the hottest products in the market.
3- Lifestyle and family products : You'll soon be able to use your credits for dollar-for-dollar matching on lifestyle and family items such as holidays, online games, electronics, fashion and more
Internet marketing - online money tips -Part 1
Do you want to build a empire that will give you multiple streams of income. You can have your passive income making your money work for you. Here's how you can build a internet empire.Running an Internet-based business can be a difficult, tiresome enterprise. It can test your stamina, creativity, and intelligence. It can push you to your limits; and make you consider whether waking up early and spending your day in a cubicle isn’t such a bad thing after all.
At the end of the day, though, you know that it is all worth it. You know that being your own boss, making the rules, and determining your own fate is worth it. No matter how difficult it seems some days, it is a worthwhile goal and it is ultimately what will make you happiest.
With that said, satisfaction with your career choice isn’t enough to ensure that you enjoy success as an Internet marketer. If you want to do that, you’ll need ammunition—and lots of it. And that’s exactly what this guide provides: many, many tips that you can use to make money as an Internet marketer. These tips are designed to be short and to the point. Some are philosophical, some are practical, and some are attitudinal—but all designed to make you a better marketer; and to ensure that you don’t run out of ammunition on your marketing campaigns.
1. Ad Tracking – Using it to Test Your Results : Most advertising services, such as Google AdWords, permit you to track your ads. You can see how many click-throughs you receive; and you can split-test two ads with slightly different wording. Tracking your results will allow you to compare two approaches, so you can determine which works best.
2. Adding Articles to Directories : One good way to generate traffic for your site is to write articles and then submit them to directories. You can find a list of the top 50 directories according to the amount of traffic they receive at the following URL: This will not only get your site a one-way backlink that will improve your search engine position rankings, but it will also generate some direct, click-through traffic.
3. Adding Your Blog to RSS Feed Directories : Another good way to generate traffic for your blog is to list your RSS feed in directories. This will have a similar effect as adding your articles to directories. You can find a list of RSS feed directories here:
4. Adding Your Site to Link Directories : Another good way to get inbound links pointed at your site is to submit it to directories. You can find a list of directories here: When you do this, remember to include a description of your site that links keywords that you are optimizing for. This text will surround your link; and will improve your search engine rankings for these keywords.
5. Adopt a Strategy : Many Internet marketers go into a new business venture without first spending the time to create a strategy. This is usually a big mistake. Without creating a strategy that specifies what you should do in various situations, you may find yourself lost; and prone to ad hoc and inconsistent decision-making.
6. AdWords – A Trick That Can Boost Your Click-Through Rate : If you want to improve your AdWords click-through-rate, you should use the base keyword from your keyword list in your headline. When people search for a keyword on your list, it will pull up your ad with the keyword bolded in the headline. This will attract searchers to your ad, increasing the chance that they will click on it.
7. AdWords – Tracking Your End Results is Crucial : In addition to tracking your ad click-through rates, you will also want to check how your ad results translate into sales. You can do this by sending traffic from different campaigns to different landing pages. This will allow you to do determine whether certain ads are generating higher-quality traffic.
8. AdWords – Using the Right Headline Could Change Your Campaign : After you begin tracking your results, you will want to start varying your AdWords headlines. You can then test how well each different headline performs; and then select the best for your campaign. Remember to only make small changes at a time.
9. Affiliates Can Make or Break a Business : One of the best ways to grow your business rapidly is to find affiliates. Affiliates can act as an extension of you by marketing your product in places and in ways that you could not think of yourself.
10. Affiliate Managers May be Necessary : Once you have grown your affiliate program substantially, it will begin to take up an increasingly larger share of the amount of time you spend on your business. Beyond a certain point, it will be a good idea to consider hiring an affiliate manager to do this work for you. This will free up your time, so that you can
spend it doing other, more productive things.
11. Affiliate Marketing Software – Using it to Save Time : In the past, affiliate marketing was much harder than it is today. Today, you can take advantage of a variety of different software programs to automate tasks for your program. This includes things such as creating ids, tracking sales, and making payments. This can save you a great deal of time and money.
12. Affiliate Products Can Supplement Your Product Sales : Some of the most successful Internet marketers mix revenue streams. Not only do they sell their own products, but they also sell other business’s products as an affiliate. If you want to maximize your own profits, you should consider selling high-quality products as an affiliate.
13. Attitude is Important : It may sound like a silly piece of advice, but attitude is truly important when it comes to Internet marketing. As you grow your business, you will find yourself encouraging more and more challenges. If your attitude is good, you’ll stick with your choices and find the courage to get through them; if not, you’ll find yourself quickly folding.
14. Be an Early-Adopter : When it comes to business, the profits are often greatest in the earliest stage of a new technology or idea. As more people become privy to the idea or technology, competition increases and profits fall. Be an early adopter and make sure you get in with the profits are still large.
15. Be Flexible : When it comes to any business venture, flexibility is a virtue. Business owners
who are too rigid often find themselves in a corner without any options. On the other hand, those who remain flexible ensure that they change with the time and the situation, so that they never end up cornered.
16. Be Patient : In addition to flexibility, patience is a business virtue. To see that this is true, spend some time on any Internet marketing forum. You’ll find people who have spent years chasing after and abandoning short-term goals with no success. You’ll also find patient business owners who have stuck with the same boring idea—but have used it to earn increasingly greater profits each year.
17. Bid on Freelance Marketing Assistants : Freelance marketing assistants can take an overburdened, but promising business and transform it into a growing, successful business. If you’re finding yourself too busy to accomplish everything, then you should consider hiring a marketing assistant using or
18. Borrow Ideas from Other Sites : Coming up with marketing strategies is hard. This is precisely why you should focus on borrowing good strategies from other places before you try to come up with your own. You can do this by visiting top sites in your niche; and carefully observing how your competitor operates. In particular, examine the sales process in detail (i.e. how she gets leads, follows up with those leads, pitches to those leads, and closes sales).
19. Borrow Public Domain Content to Create Products : One of the hardest parts of running a successful business is creating new products. This usually involves careful planning, creative work, and execution. If you would prefer to rely on the effort of others, you can always use public domain content (i.e. content that is freely available for you to resell) as is or in re-bundled form as a product.
20. Borrow Techniques from Other Marketers : One of the best ways to learn about traffic generation is to observe those who do it successfully. You can do this by performing a search of the following form on Google: “link:”. This will give you a list of sites linking to a site in question. You can then use this to reverse-engineer how each of these sites is generating traffic.
21. Broker Joint Venture Partnerships : Joint venture partnerships are the lifeblood of many successful businesses. They allow business owners who are skilled in one area to link up with business owners who are skilled in another. If you’re lacking a skill or a resource, such a traffic or marketing ability, then you may want to look for partners for your next launch.
22. Buy an Autoresponder Subscription : An autoresponder is a critical tool for Internet marketers. It enables them to build, manage, and market to an email list. If you don’t have an autoresponder subscription, you should get one soon. There are many autoresponder packages available on the market, however, the most popular among Internet marketers seems to be Follow this link to test drive this powerful autoresponder package for the whole month for just $1:
23. Buy Banner Ads : Years ago, many Internet marketers concluded that banner ads were dead. But today, they’ve come back. And, for certain types of products, banner ads can be highly effective. Consider running a banner ad campaign. If you don’t already have a high-quality banner, you can get one by hiring someone on or on
24. Buy Ghostwritten Articles : If you want to use articles to promote your site, but don’t feel comfortable writing, you can always purchase them from a ghostwriter. Sites like and make it easy for you to purchase them from credible sources and for reasonable prices. Just remember to keep your project descriptions clear and detailed.
25. Buy Ghostwritten Reports : In addition to purchasing ghostwritten articles, you might also consider purchasing reports from ghostwriters. This will make the content-creation portion of your sales process painless.
26. Buy One-Way Links on High PR Sites : Today, sites like abound. These allow you to purchase one-way, inbound links on high-traffic, high-PR sites. These will improve your search engine ranking positions; and also generate some highquality,
direct click-through traffic.
27. Buy Private Label Content : In addition to ghostwritten content, you may also want to consider purchasing private label content. While this is usually sold to 10 or more people (and thus is not unique), it will also be much cheaper, which will allow you to purchase more
of it.
28. Capture Opportunities When They Present Themselves : Opportunities don’t last forever. Often, then come and go. This is why it is pivotal that you keep an eye open for good opportunities; seize them when they arrive; and work hard to reap the rewards.
29. Changing Your Routine Can be Helpful : Over time, it’s easy to fall into the trap of carrying out the same routine each day; however, this can be detrimental to your business. Your ideas and approach may become stale and rote; and, eventually, your customers may lose interest. Keep things exciting and consider changing your routine on a regular basis.
30. Charge Blog Visitors for Premium Content : If you have a successful blog, consider creating a members-only section. In this section, add reports, articles, graphics, and other exclusive items. Charge readers a small fee (perhaps $5/mo.) to access this section. Use the normal blog as a means to advertise this section.
31. Charge Site Visitors for Membership Content : The same idea I mentioned for blogs also works for normal sites. If you have a site that receives a lot of traffic and has a loyal readership, consider adding a members-only section and charging for access.
32. Check Your Sales Page Against Modified Versions : Once you’ve completed your sales page, you should check it against modified versions. You can do this by tweaking 1 or 2 elements at a time; and then checking your conversion rate results. Remember to only make small changes; and to track the results over a long period of time.
33. Coding Isn’t Always Necessary : Many new marketers get into the trap of trying to learn programming languages before they create a site. In truth, this is becoming increasingly less important over time. There are many site editors available (free and paid) that will do this work for you without your ever needing to learn any programming.
34. Consider Changing Your Business Model : If you’re like most business owners, you follow a set business plan, no matter what business you start. It doesn’t matter whether you’re creating products and selling them on a site; or creating content sites and selling advertisement—your approach and style is the same. If your results are lackluster, consider approaching things in a completely different way next time you create a business. Ignore what your impulses tell you to do; and instead, try something different.
35. Cooperate with JV Partners : While no one should ever have to be told to cooperate with JV partners, all too frequently people forget to do this. They don’t remember that the partner is bringing something to the table that they couldn’t otherwise; and, instead, take the partner for granted. Don’t be one of the people who does this. Cooperate with your partners; and they will make sure things work out well for you.
36. Contact People Who Can Help You : Often, solving a problem is much easier than we think it is. The only problem is that we are unwilling to ask someone who can help us. Next time you find yourself stuck, contact someone who can help you, rather than letting the problem fester. It doesn’t matter whether that means emailing a friend or posting on a forum of complete strangers. Do it; get help; and move on.
37. Context is Important : When it comes to marketing, context is important. Don’t simply take hints and tricks that you hear from gurus and apply them without attention to detail. Instead, consider how they fit into the context of your business; and use them accordingly.
38. Conquer One Niche at a Time : Instead of trying to tackle many projects at once, limit the scope of your projects to one niche only. Focus all of your time and effort there; and see whether it takes you. If you have success, consider growing until you can’t; and then adding a second niche.
39. Create Products to Sell on ClickBank : Once you have created a product, you might consider selling it through ClickBank. Initially, it costs $50 to get your product review, but after that, you can easily recruit, work with, and pay affiliates without much additional effort.
40. Create Promotional Materials for Affiliates : Many Internet marketers make the mistake of thinking about their affiliates as a drain on their resources. In fact, affiliates are an excellent way to extend yourself and your business in ways that would otherwise be impossible. For this reason, it is a good idea to provide your affiliates with marketing materials, such as salesletters, articles, and email marketing materials for free. 41. Create Promotional Materials for Joint Venture Partnerships In addition to providing promotional materials for your affiliates, you should also consider doing so for your joint venture partners. This will make it easier for your JV partners to promote you, which is always a good thing.
42. Create Your Own Products : Creating your own products is a great way to make money. However, there are many places in which process can break down. I personally suggest that you
approach this problem by hiring freelancers to deal with all of the parts that are difficult—or for which you do not have expertise.
43. Decide and Act : Many Internet marketers have a tendency to inflate the importance of certain decisions. Don’t fall into this trap. Instead, get into the habit of making decisions quickly; and then acting.
44. Detach Yourself Emotionally from Your Plans : As with any business venture, it is important that you detach yourself emotionally from your plans. If you decide to do something and it doesn’t pan out as you had expected, then let go of it and move on. Don’t let your emotional attachment to bad plans ruin your chance at success.
45. Do What Gurus Do—Not What They Say : Instead of doing what gurus tell you to do, pay attention to what they do. Think about how it is that they’ve captured such a large audience. Also, consider how it is that they’ve become so successful in their niche. And then emulate these
features in your own business.
46. Don’t Be Afraid to Differentiate Your Business : Often, new Internet marketers are afraid to differentiate themselves and their businesses from competitors. As a result, they create a lifeless, boring business that proves to be entirely unmemorable to visitors. Don’t make this mistake. Give your business a personality that attracts people; and allows them to remember
47. Don’t Burn Bridges Unnecessarily : As a general rule of thumb, burning bridges is bad when it comes to business. Unless you have a very good reason for doing so, you should never burn a bridge with a joint venture partner. Instead, try to end the partnership amicably to avoid backlash and negative word-of-mouth feedback.
48. Don’t Burn Yourself Out : When it comes to running your own business, it is all too easy to put in long hours and burn yourself out. Don’t do this. When your work is done for the night, go to bed, get some sleep, and then come back the following day well-rested.
49. Don’t Buy Everything : Many new Internet marketers end up going on a buying frenzy at some point. They buy ebooks, software, private label products, membership site subscriptions, and a wide variety of marketing tools. Unfortunately, they also frequently do not use most of what they buy. Don’t go bankrupt for such a foolish reason. Spend wisely; and use what you buy.
50. Don’t Follow the Crowd : If you read a marketing forum at any point in time, you’ll notice that a large flock of people are repeatedly posting about similar subjects. They’ve latched onto a fad; and they’ve decided that it is the only way to make money. Don’t fall into this trap. These fads often aren’t profitable—and, even if they were, they won’t be when everyone is doing it. So, unless there’s a good reason to do so, don’t follow the crowd.
51. Don’t Listen to Everyone : In Internet marketing, many offer advice who haven’t experienced success through the plans they suggest. For this reason, be careful who you accept advice from.
52. Don’t Ruin Your Credibility on Forums : When it comes to using forums to market your products, your credibility is vital. If forum readers perceive you as credible, they’ll follow your links, read your posts carefully, and consider your offers. If you squander credibility my making stupid posts to increase your post count or by spamming the forum, people will quickly lose interest in you and your business.
53. Don’t Spam Your Email Lists : Internet marketers often mistake the mistake of spamming their email lists. That is—as soon as they acquire an email address, they send it a deluge of emails (both “informative ones” and ones that sell products). The end result is that leads get turned off and unsubscribe or stop paying attention. Make sure you don’t do this to your list.
54. Don’t Waste Time : If you find yourself spending hours each day surfing the Internet when you’re technically “working on your business,” then it’s time to re-evaluate your priorities. If you truly want to spend that time surfing the net, then continue to do so. But if not, then you may want to keeping work and leisure separate. When you’re at work, do work only. But if you get burnt out, then take a break and do something you enjoy, rather than wasting time doing something you don’t enjoy and counting it as “work.”
55. Email Lists Can Be Reinvigorated : Email lists can always be reinvigorated. If you’re finding that the responsiveness of your list has dropped off lately, you may want to consider trying tactics to reinvigorate it. For instance, you might start by holding a weekly give-way to readers who enter a raffle to keep people interested.
56. Email List Building Through AdWords : Another approach to list building involves Google AdWords. First, create a strong squeeze page that is good at converting visitors. Next, use Google AdWords to send a deluge of traffic to your squeeze page.
57. Email List Building Through Forums : One excellent way in which you can build your list is to post on forums. In your signature, include a link to your squeeze page. Also, infrequently mention your list in forum posts.
58. Email Lists Make Sales : Any seasoned marketer will tell you that sales happen on the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth contacts—not on the first. This is why it is important to build an email list and market to it, rather than trying to sell directly always.
59. Email Marketing Can Be More Effective Than Direct Marketing : Email marketing allows you to follow up with customers and to pitch to them on a regular basis. For this reason, it can be much more effective than pitching to them only once using a sales page.
60. Email Marketing Strategies Are Vital : Starting an email marketing campaign without a strategy is a big mistake. Rather than simply sending out an ad, remember to carefully approach the situation with a pre-sales and sales process in mind.
61. Email Marketing Through Short Copy : Another way to approach email marketing is through short copy. This should consist of 300-500 words carefully-designed to promote a product or subscription. Remember to keep it personal, though, so that it does not seem unusual in an email.
62. Email Offers Must Be Approached Correctly : It’s easy to bungle email offers. My suggestion is the following: don’t get too salesy in the email. Instead, bait them with the email; and then direct them to some short copy on your site.
63. Email Proposals to Potential JV Partners : One of the hardest parts of JV partnerships is simply securing the partners. Rather than getting cold feet, find a list of contacts, draft a high-quality proposal, and then fire it off to each of them. Expect a lot of rejections; and be happy if you get a positive response.
64. Emailing Too Frequently Will Turn Off Customers : Even if you aren’t sending advertisements, emailing your existing customer base too frequently will annoy them. Avoid doing it.
65. Emailing Too Infrequently Might Make Customers Forget Who You Are : While you shouldn’t email your customers too frequently; you also shouldn’t email them infrequently. Not contacting them for months at a time will make them forget who you are. And when they do hear from you, they may mistake you for a spammer.
66. Enthusiasm is Important : One of the most important parts of overcoming challenges is maintaining a deep enthusiasm for your business. Always take the time to visualize what you’re
doing; and to get excited about it.
67. Errors Are Part of the Learning Process : When it comes to business and marketing, errors are important. They rule out paths that won’t work for your business. Next time you encounter one, learn from it; and move on.
68. E-Course Creation : Creating an e-course is a great way to pull in customers and convert them over time. Usually, a course consists of 7-10 lessons on a specific subject; and, at various points in the course, refers the reader to products they can purchase.
69. E-Course Marketing : In order to market your e-course, you will want to take a several-pronged approach. First, create a squeeze page that allows visitors to add their names and email addresses. Next, drive traffic to the squeeze page using forums, Google AdWords, existing site traffic, banner ads, and any other sources you can find.
70. E-Course Tricks – Make the Course Free, but Suggest Paid Products : The key to having an effective e-course is interspersing paid products throughout it. That is—make the course free to attract as many people as possible, but then subtly sell them on a variety of different products that you own, as well as affiliate products.
71. Fall Down—And then Pick Yourself Up : Don’t be afraid to fail. Push hard until you fall down. But once you do, pick yourself up; and get working on the new project.
72. Fight for Small Gains; Fight Harder for Large Gains : Working hard is important, but only when it means the payoff will be big. Keep that in mind before you slave-away on a project with no clear estimate of how much you will get in return.
73. Figure Out How to Organize Your Business Better : Many businesses are sub-optimally organized. Parts that need not be automated are automated. And parts that aren’t automated need to be. Figure out how your business can be better organized; and make an attempt to realize that vision.
74. Figure Out Which Parts of Your Business Are Not Working : As with all businesses ventures, some things go well and others do not. Get rid of the things that aren’t working; and focus on the things that do.
75. Find New Affiliates : Finding new affiliates is just as vital as finding new joint venture partners. They provide a way for you to expand your business; and do so without needing your
direction. Spend time seeking out new affiliates each week.
76. Find New Joint Venture Partners : Expanding your network is an important part of growing your business. Don’t plateau once you have forged a couple of useful partnerships. Instead, keep working to find new partners; and to work with them to realize projects.
77. Find New Strategies Each Day : Each day, push yourself to learn something new about Internet marketing. Don’t stagnate at your current level of knowledge; push yourself to learn more, so that you can continuously become a better marketer.
78. Find Ways to Motivate Your Current Affiliates : In addition to looking for new affiliates, you should try to motivate existing affiliates. Offer special deals (where commissions are temporarily higher), give them promotional materials, and offer to accept emails from them directly.
79. Find New Ways to Get Visitors to Buy : Always look for new ways to get your visitors to buy. You could create a squeeze page and get them to sign up; or you could give a free product away—and get people to buy it.
80. Find New Ways to Sell Old Products : If you’re like most Internet marketers, you have a large store of old products. Instead of just sitting on them, figure out how you can re-package them into new products that you can sell or give away.
81. Find Ways to Innovate : Innovating is hard, but necessary. Each day, try to come up with a new way in which you can do something that none of your competition has thus far.
82. Fix Problems with Your Current Website : On a regular basis (perhaps once each month), spend time working on your website. Instead of putting up new products and deals (as you normally would), focus on improving existing features, so that they provide higher value to
83. Friends Can Offer Helpful Suggestions : Whenever you can, ask for the perspective of a friend. Ask how they like the look and feel of your site; ask what they think about your products; and ask if they have any suggestions.
84. Gaining Experience Without Wasting Time : Experience usually takes time to accumulate if you do it on your own. This is why I suggest that you cut out the wasted time; and learn from the experience of others. Ask friends and colleagues for help; and pay attention to what experts do.
85. Get a New Perspective Whenever Possible : Before you launch a product, give it away for free in order to get people’s opinions. Before you launch a salesletter, post it on a forum to get reviews. Always try to get a new perspective when you can.
86. Get As Much as You Can From Each Advertising Dollar : Before you allocate $300 to a Google AdWords campaign, spend some time testing and tweaking your ads. Only after you have found a good technique should you begin spending a lot of money.
87. Get Expert Opinions Whenever Possible : Experts can provide invaluable information about your ideas and products. Whenever you can consult one, do so, even if it means that you’ll have to contact a stranger and plead for help.
88. Get In Before It’s Too Late : In addition to knowing when to get out, it’s also important to know when to get in when it comes to Internet marketing. Don’t let the next opportunity pass you by.
89. Get Out Before It’s Too Late : Often, in Internet marketing, it’s important to get out of a failing business opportunity before it is too late (i.e. before you are broke and burnt out). Pay
careful attention to this, so that you don’t miss your opportunity to exit.
90. Give Yourself Time to Make Big Decisions : Big decisions take time to make. Don’t lock yourself into a bad plan for months because you couldn’t take the time to make the right decision. Instead, think long and carefully about big decisions; and make the right ones.
91. Getting Something for “Free” : May be More Costly Than Purchasing It Beware of “free” traffic. In many cases, it will cause you to waste a tremendous amount of time and energy for a small return. In the end, you’ll probably be better off paying for it.
92. Give First; Receive Later : As a general business principle, provide your customers and subscribers with quality content. They well appreciate this; and reciprocate by buying from you down the road.
93. Give Freely and Frequently to Visitors and Subscribers : In addition to providing customers with high-quality content, you should also consider giving them free products. They will appreciate this, remember you, and buy from you in the future.
94. Go into Business Ventures with a Plan : Before you launch a new product, come up with a plan. Try to stick through it as the launch progresses. This will prevent you from making a bunch of ad hoc, inconsistent decisions.
95. Go Out of Your Way to Help Others : Find ways to help other people, including your customers, on a daily basis. This will build goodwill towards you and your business.
96. Google AdSense – Creating Sites for Ads : One way to make money with AdSense is to create sites from ghostwritten or private label articles; and then to add Google AdSense ads to them.
97. Google AdSense – Placing Ads on Your Site : When placing AdSense ads on your site, put them above the fold; and in a place that is likely to receive traffic and clicks.
98. Google AdWords – A Simple Trick : Use delimiters when bidding on keywords. Instead of bidding for the keyword Internet marketing, bid for Internet marketing, “Internet marketing,” and [Internet marketing]. You’ll boost your traffic and pay less per click.
99. Google AdWords – Boosting Your Traffic : Run rotating AdWords campaigns with minor tweaks. Find out which one is performing the best; and then allocate your entire budget to it. Over time, you will get more clicks.
100. Gurus Don’t Always Know What’s Best for Your Business : Gurus may have a lot of marketing wisdom, but that doesn’t mean that their general advice is the best advice for your business. Listen to them, but remember that you ultimately understand your business best.
Internet marketing - online money tips -Part 11 -By Alex Makarski
At the end of the day, though, you know that it is all worth it. You know that being your own boss, making the rules, and determining your own fate is worth it. No matter how difficult it seems some days, it is a worthwhile goal and it is ultimately what will make you happiest.
With that said, satisfaction with your career choice isn’t enough to ensure that you enjoy success as an Internet marketer. If you want to do that, you’ll need ammunition—and lots of it. And that’s exactly what this guide provides: many, many tips that you can use to make money as an Internet marketer. These tips are designed to be short and to the point. Some are philosophical, some are practical, and some are attitudinal—but all designed to make you a better marketer; and to ensure that you don’t run out of ammunition on your marketing campaigns.
1. Ad Tracking – Using it to Test Your Results : Most advertising services, such as Google AdWords, permit you to track your ads. You can see how many click-throughs you receive; and you can split-test two ads with slightly different wording. Tracking your results will allow you to compare two approaches, so you can determine which works best.
2. Adding Articles to Directories : One good way to generate traffic for your site is to write articles and then submit them to directories. You can find a list of the top 50 directories according to the amount of traffic they receive at the following URL: This will not only get your site a one-way backlink that will improve your search engine position rankings, but it will also generate some direct, click-through traffic.
3. Adding Your Blog to RSS Feed Directories : Another good way to generate traffic for your blog is to list your RSS feed in directories. This will have a similar effect as adding your articles to directories. You can find a list of RSS feed directories here:
4. Adding Your Site to Link Directories : Another good way to get inbound links pointed at your site is to submit it to directories. You can find a list of directories here: When you do this, remember to include a description of your site that links keywords that you are optimizing for. This text will surround your link; and will improve your search engine rankings for these keywords.
5. Adopt a Strategy : Many Internet marketers go into a new business venture without first spending the time to create a strategy. This is usually a big mistake. Without creating a strategy that specifies what you should do in various situations, you may find yourself lost; and prone to ad hoc and inconsistent decision-making.
6. AdWords – A Trick That Can Boost Your Click-Through Rate : If you want to improve your AdWords click-through-rate, you should use the base keyword from your keyword list in your headline. When people search for a keyword on your list, it will pull up your ad with the keyword bolded in the headline. This will attract searchers to your ad, increasing the chance that they will click on it.
7. AdWords – Tracking Your End Results is Crucial : In addition to tracking your ad click-through rates, you will also want to check how your ad results translate into sales. You can do this by sending traffic from different campaigns to different landing pages. This will allow you to do determine whether certain ads are generating higher-quality traffic.
8. AdWords – Using the Right Headline Could Change Your Campaign : After you begin tracking your results, you will want to start varying your AdWords headlines. You can then test how well each different headline performs; and then select the best for your campaign. Remember to only make small changes at a time.
9. Affiliates Can Make or Break a Business : One of the best ways to grow your business rapidly is to find affiliates. Affiliates can act as an extension of you by marketing your product in places and in ways that you could not think of yourself.
10. Affiliate Managers May be Necessary : Once you have grown your affiliate program substantially, it will begin to take up an increasingly larger share of the amount of time you spend on your business. Beyond a certain point, it will be a good idea to consider hiring an affiliate manager to do this work for you. This will free up your time, so that you can
spend it doing other, more productive things.
11. Affiliate Marketing Software – Using it to Save Time : In the past, affiliate marketing was much harder than it is today. Today, you can take advantage of a variety of different software programs to automate tasks for your program. This includes things such as creating ids, tracking sales, and making payments. This can save you a great deal of time and money.
12. Affiliate Products Can Supplement Your Product Sales : Some of the most successful Internet marketers mix revenue streams. Not only do they sell their own products, but they also sell other business’s products as an affiliate. If you want to maximize your own profits, you should consider selling high-quality products as an affiliate.
13. Attitude is Important : It may sound like a silly piece of advice, but attitude is truly important when it comes to Internet marketing. As you grow your business, you will find yourself encouraging more and more challenges. If your attitude is good, you’ll stick with your choices and find the courage to get through them; if not, you’ll find yourself quickly folding.
14. Be an Early-Adopter : When it comes to business, the profits are often greatest in the earliest stage of a new technology or idea. As more people become privy to the idea or technology, competition increases and profits fall. Be an early adopter and make sure you get in with the profits are still large.
15. Be Flexible : When it comes to any business venture, flexibility is a virtue. Business owners
who are too rigid often find themselves in a corner without any options. On the other hand, those who remain flexible ensure that they change with the time and the situation, so that they never end up cornered.
16. Be Patient : In addition to flexibility, patience is a business virtue. To see that this is true, spend some time on any Internet marketing forum. You’ll find people who have spent years chasing after and abandoning short-term goals with no success. You’ll also find patient business owners who have stuck with the same boring idea—but have used it to earn increasingly greater profits each year.
17. Bid on Freelance Marketing Assistants : Freelance marketing assistants can take an overburdened, but promising business and transform it into a growing, successful business. If you’re finding yourself too busy to accomplish everything, then you should consider hiring a marketing assistant using or
18. Borrow Ideas from Other Sites : Coming up with marketing strategies is hard. This is precisely why you should focus on borrowing good strategies from other places before you try to come up with your own. You can do this by visiting top sites in your niche; and carefully observing how your competitor operates. In particular, examine the sales process in detail (i.e. how she gets leads, follows up with those leads, pitches to those leads, and closes sales).
19. Borrow Public Domain Content to Create Products : One of the hardest parts of running a successful business is creating new products. This usually involves careful planning, creative work, and execution. If you would prefer to rely on the effort of others, you can always use public domain content (i.e. content that is freely available for you to resell) as is or in re-bundled form as a product.
20. Borrow Techniques from Other Marketers : One of the best ways to learn about traffic generation is to observe those who do it successfully. You can do this by performing a search of the following form on Google: “link:
Internet marketing - online money tips -Part 11 -By Alex Makarski
click me to get my robot....
I always wanted a Robot working for me. I have always wanted to say to a Robot:
"James, fetch me a diet coke please with lemon and have James roll right up to me soda in hand.
I think I have invested about 3000 over the years buying and trying those robots that deliver drinks to you on a tray or the vacuum that runs around your house getting into corners .Please give me a robot
Oh, and did I mention, that this Robot which is generating traffic to Sokule like a bat out of your know where, also sent me the following checks:
Total paid to date, cash in hand in the bank is 9510. That's pretty cool!
If you want a Robot working for you 24/7 providing traffic to your affiliate link or any other site that you like...
And if you want this Robot to spit money back at you like a good Robot should...
And you want it to work without your cat's paws getting in the way.
This is where I would head to right now
Please give me a robot..... This guy is a national treasure. Now go join before it's too late,
PS : I was very skeptical at first after having seen it all but this actually WORKS
"James, fetch me a diet coke please with lemon and have James roll right up to me soda in hand.
I think I have invested about 3000 over the years buying and trying those robots that deliver drinks to you on a tray or the vacuum that runs around your house getting into corners .Please give me a robot
Oh, and did I mention, that this Robot which is generating traffic to Sokule like a bat out of your know where, also sent me the following checks:
Total paid to date, cash in hand in the bank is 9510. That's pretty cool!
If you want a Robot working for you 24/7 providing traffic to your affiliate link or any other site that you like...
And if you want this Robot to spit money back at you like a good Robot should...
And you want it to work without your cat's paws getting in the way.
This is where I would head to right now
Please give me a robot..... This guy is a national treasure. Now go join before it's too late,
PS : I was very skeptical at first after having seen it all but this actually WORKS
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